Download Example 4DMRI

Here are 14 example volumes of one breathing cycle
The temporal resolution of the volumes is 362 ms.
Each volume consists of 256 x 256 x 25 voxels of the size 1.37mm x 1.37 mm x 4 mm.

Have a look at these avis, which show the animated volumes at different slices and as a Maximum Intensity Projection. Note, that the motion of the gall bladder and the intestines is arbitrary, because the slice selection (sorting) was based on the state of the liver.

slice A (avi)   slice B (avi)   slice C (avi)   MIP (avi)

Download Motion Data

Any software and data on this page is provided for academic research purpose only. Any publication using this data must cite this webpage (
and the respective article.

The following zip files contain:


The file datasets.pdf contains details about the provided motionfields such as temporal and spatial resolution, acquisition time, etc.

Download the MATLAB file displayMotionField.m to display the motion fields on specified slices of the respective volumes.